Life Story of Mathematical Formula Inventor

Life Story of Mathematical Formula Inventor

Geniuses are born with the name of Leonhard Euler. He was born in 1707 in Basel, Switzerland. He was accepted into the University of Basel in 1720 when he was only 13 years old. Woowww .. hebattt!

At first Euler studied theology (the study of everything related to religious beliefs), but soon he soon moved into mathematics courses.

He obtained a bachelor's degree from the University of Basel 17 years! And when he was 21 years, Euler already received an invitation Catherine I of Russia to join the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Petersburg.

At the age of 23 years, he became professor of physics and mathematics, and at the age of 26 years Euler was appointed to replace the position of chairman of mathematics that were formerly occupied by a famous mathematician Daniel Bernoulli. Hebatttt kaan ...!!

Unfortunately, two years after that, his eyes lost sight next. But he was not discouraged. Euler continued to work and work producing brilliant articles.
Leonhard Euler

In 1741 Frederick the Great of Prussia persuaded Euler to leave Russia and asked him to join the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. He lived in Berlin for twenty five years and returned to Russia in 1766.

Soon, the unfortunate happened. His eyes could not see anymore. Remarkably, although could not see, Euler still work to investigate and work. Euler has a spectacular ability in mental arithmetic.

Euler died in 1783 in St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) in the age of 76 years. Even so, Euler still continue to release high-grade paper work in the field of mathematics. Anyway, the inventor of this math was married twice and had thirteen children. (Kidnesia / Michael H. Hart / Hundred Influential People in History)

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